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About ACA

Welcome to the ACA program.  This is a Twelve Step support group focused on understanding the specific behavior and attitude patterns we developed while growing up in an alcoholic or other dysfunctional environment.  These patterns continue to affect us today. We have learned that people do not recover alone from the effects of being brought up in a dysfunctional or alcoholic home. 

By attending regular meetings we come to a better understanding of our past so we can more effectively restructure our lives today.  We begin to see more clearly what is positive and healthy in ourselves.

ACA is not a replacement for addicts working an abstinence program in other Twelve Step fellowships.  However, Adult Children of Alcoholics is often the only program for many adult children recovering from the effects of alcoholism or other family dysfunction, including the effects of alcoholism and drug addiction.  

Meetings are intended to be safe places where we can share our experience, strength and hope without judgement or criticism.  We have the right not to share unless we are ready.

This program is grounded in spiritual guidance and not affiliated with any specific religion.  We respect one another’s anonymity.  Who we encounter at meetings and what they have said there is treated confidentially.

We meet together to share our experience, strength, hope and fear; we offer friendship and understanding.  We love one another in a very special way.  We welcome you to join us.

Since each meeting is autonomous, and each meeting is a different experience, we recommend that you try at least 6 different meetings before deciding if the ACA program can be helpful to you.​

Am I An Adult Child can help you decide if alcoholism or other family dysfunction existed in your family.  The first step is attending an online meeting or in person meeting in your area. We welcome you to attend an ACA meeting in your area to learn more. There are no fees to attend.


The only requirement for membership is a desire to recover from the affects of growing up in an alcoholic or otherwise dysfunctional family.

Join Us!

This is your personal invitation to come to ACA and to keep coming back. Your presence in meetings helps us in our recovery. We know that this program works for us.

We have yet to see anyone fail who honestly works the program. This is our path to sanity, our program to serenity.

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